NirCmd Command Reference - setconsolecolor
setconsolecolor [forecolor] [backcolor]
Relevant only for nircmdc.exe
Set the current background and foreground color for the text in the console window.
This command won't change the color of the existing text, but all text sent to stdout (with consolewrite
command) after this command will be displayed in the specified color.
In the forecolor/backcolor parameters, you can specify any EGA color number between 0 and 15:
- 0 - black
- 1 - blue
- 2 - green
- 3 - cyan
- 4 - red
- 5 - magenta
- 6 - brown
- 7 - white
- 8 - dark gray
- 9 - bright blue
- 10 - bright green
- 11 - bright cyan
- 12 - bright red
- 13 - bright magenta
- 14 - bright yellow
- 15 - bright white
setconsolecolor 10 0
setconsolecolor 1 15
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