NirCmd Command Reference - sendkeypress
sendkeypress [Keys Combination 1] [Keys Combination 2] [Keys Combination 3] ...
Sends one or more key press combinations to the system.
The operating system will behave exactly as the user really pressed the specified keys combination.
The [Key Combination] parameter specifies
a single key press to send or a combination of a single key and shift/ctrl/alt/Windows keys, delimited by '+' character.
The key in the [Key Combination] parameter can be specifed as
numeric virtual key code
(For example: 0x2e for Delete key), or as one of the following predefined values:
a - z and 0 - 9 (for alphanumeric keys), F1 - F24 (for Fxx keys), shift, ctrl, alt, enter, esc
,leftshift, rightshift, leftctrl, rightctrl, leftmenu, rightmenu, spc (space), down, up,
left, right, home, end, insert, delete, plus, comma, minus, period, lwin, rwin (Windows key), apps,
pageup, pagedown, tab, multiply, add, subtract, seperator, divide, backspace, pause,
capslock, numlock, scroll, printscreen.
You can specify more than one [Key Combination] in a single sendkeypress command.
Here's some examples for using sendkeypress:
- Send ctrl+shift+esc to show the task manager of Windows:
sendkeypress ctrl+shift+esc
- Send ctrl+shift+esc to show the task manager of Windows and then move to the next window with alt+tab:
sendkeypress ctrl+shift+esc alt+tab
- Switch the capslock mode:
sendkeypress capslock
- Print 'Nir Sofer' to the current text editor in focus (The shift key combination is used to get the capital letters):
sendkeypress Shift+n i r spc shift+s o f e r
- Save the current screen image into the clipboard (Ctrl+PrintScreen):
sendkeypress Ctrl+printscreen
- Send Ctrl+Shift+K and then Ctrl+Shift+A and then Alt+Shift+P:
sendkeypress ctrl+shift+k ctrl+shift+a alt+shift+p
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