NirCmd Command Reference - sendkey
sendkey [Key] [press | down | up]
Sends a keystroke to the system.
The operating system will behave exactly as the user really pressed the specified keys.
The [Key] parameter specifies the key as virtual key code
(For example: 0x2e for Delete key), or as one of the following predefined values:
a - z and 0 - 9 (for alphanumeric keys), F1 - F24 (for Fxx keys), shift, ctrl, alt, enter, esc
,leftshift, rightshift, leftctrl, rightctrl, leftmenu, rightmenu, spc (space), down, up,
left, right, home, end, insert, delete, plus, comma, minus, period, lwin, rwin (Windows key), apps,
pageup, pagedown, tab, multiply, add, subtract, seperator, divide, backspace, pause,
capslock, numlock, scroll, printscreen.
The second parameter specifies the key action: 'press', 'down', or 'up'.
For each key down action, you should also add the appropriate key up action.
In the following script example, the system behaves like the user presses Shift+Ctrl+Esc (the task manager should appear):
sendkey shift down
sendkey ctrl down
sendkey esc down
sendkey shift up
sendkey ctrl up
sendkey esc up
More examples:
sendkey a press
sendkey f10 press
sendkey enter press
sendkey 0x2e press
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